Minggu, 18 Januari 2009
Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
Directory Opus - Powerful File Manager
A file manager is, at its simplest, a utility program which presents lists of files and allows the user to perform actions of some kind on those files. File managers are useful for moving files between folders, making backup copies of files, viewing pictures and playing sounds, running other utility programs on lists of files, deleting unwanted files and many other “housekeeping” tasks.
Directory Opus goes beyond the simple file manager metaphor, and offers you a complete replacement for Windows Explorer and many other utility programs for handling FTP, ZIP, viewing files and images, running slideshows and more. It provides you with all this within a user-friendly and fully-configurable environment within which you can access and manage your important data with a minimum of effort. Harness the power of your computer like never before!
click here for read more. . . . “Directory Opus - Powerful File Manager” »»
Your Uninstaller! PRO 2008 6.2.1342 Download Your Uninstaller! PRO 2008 6.2.1342
Your Uninstaller! PRO 2008 6.2.1342
Your Uninstaller! uninstaller software is the industry's leading uninstaller software. It's the world's 1st smart Drag&Uninstall™ uninstaller software under the Windows platform, works on all Windows versions including Windows Vista/XP/2000/ME/98/95/2003. It's as easy as using the recycle bin. Imagine! Just a drag-drop and the program you don't want will disappear from your computer - as well as everything the unwanted program brings! Your Uninstaller! is a user-friendly way of removing unneeded applications on your computer. It can even remove some annoying spywares!
Your Uninstaller! software is a specially designed uninstaller program for both beginning and advanced users. Your Uninstaller! 2006 is extremely very fast and easy to use. It has a unique ability to uninstall items by simply dragging programs' icons into the Your Uninstaller! icon. You may also find the application you want to uninstall through a unique search function.
Your Uninstaller! completely removes applications so quickly. Your Uninstaller! starts up 500%-1000% times faster than other Add/Remove programs. As you know, there are many installers in the world, such as InstallShield, Wise Installer, Microsoft Installer and many others. Most applications are built using these installers. Each installer has a unique install database, which makes it difficult to find all the changes programs' make to your computer. That's why other uninstallers can only uninstall part of an application-leaving some files and registry keys.
To solve this problem, Your Uninstaller! uses it's uniue technique: SmartUninstall™. SmartUninstall™ has a database containing information about all installers on the market; so when it uninstalls a program, it automatically detects which installer the application used, then it simply uninstalls the application properly. That's the reason Your Uninstaller! can detect and completely remove all the programs and icons on your computer.
Key features:
* Completely remove any application installed.
* Deep scan of registry and entire disk for unused registry entries and files.
* Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program.
* Uninstall screen savers. [PRO]
* Remove internet surfing traces
* Backup and restore registry.
* Registration key management.
* Built-in Disk Cleaner helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster! [PRO]
* Built-in IE Context Menu Cleaner, cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer. [PRO]
* Built-in Startup Manager, take full control of Window startups. [PRO]
* Fix invalid desktop shortcuts and start menu shortcuts.
* Get the applications detail info even if it hide itself in deep directory, especially useful for finding out "Spy" applications. [PRO]
* Backup/restore installed-applications information.
* Uninstall with SINGLE drag-drop! Just drop a file on Your Uninstaller! icon on the desktop to see what happens! [PRO]
* List installed applications with appropriate icons(same as you see in the Start Menu), you can easily find the application you want to uninstall.
* Powerful search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
* Automatic detection of invalid installations and removing them with one click.
* Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry(care to use!). [PRO]
* Lighting speed at startup, 5-10 times faster than Add/Remove Program of Windows XP!
* Export programs list to file or printer.
* More ...
Your Uninstaller! 2008 is a completly new release from previous version with redesigned scanning and processing method.
Here's a brief new features list:
1. New Uninstall technology, removes program completely system wide.
2. New Internet Traces Eraser, clear all your surfing traces, surf anonymously!
3. New Rescue Center, restore your PC to any date, even a specified point.
4. Windows Vista optimized for Microsoft's new system.
5. Improved Advanced Uninstall to fix more problems.
6. Improved UninstallWizard for both advanced users and common users.
7. Improved Startup Manager, find more hidden programs.
8. Improved Disk Cleaner, one click to clean. Scheduled clean.
9. Improved user experience.
10. Improved loading speed.
11. Unicode support for all modules.
12. Multiple language support. Now supports 12 languages.
13. Cache support for fast access to all programs.
14. Know more about each program installed on your computer.
15. Improved deep system scan after uninstallation to find hidden registry entries.
16. Load undocumented startup programs in Startup Manager, it's easy to find some spywares.
17. Improved Disk Cleaner provides more options and faster speed.
18. Improved Drag&Uninstall.
19. More options added for advanced users.
20. Other many minor improvements and changes.
Size: 5.22 MB
click here for read more. . . . “Your Uninstaller! PRO 2008 6.2.1342 Download Your Uninstaller! PRO 2008 6.2.1342” »»
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
kumpul Blogger
apa itu kumpulblogger
Tentang KumpulBlogger.com
Sekilas tentang KumpulBlogger.com? Adalah Jaringan Blogger Indonesia untuk mendapatkan alternatif penghasilan tambahan, dengan cara menyediakan spot/ruangan pada blognya sebagai tempat menyampaikan pesan komersial dari Advertiser
Untuk Siapa KumpulBlogger.com?
Target Market KumpulBlogger.com adalah Blogger Indonesia dan Advertiser Lokal, dimana Blogger menyediakan Media dan Advertiser Memasok Pesan Komersial didalam Blog-blog yang terhubung pada jaringan KumpulBlogger.com
Cara Kerja KumpulBlogger.com?
Blogger mendaftarkan blognya, copy dan paste code yang diberikan, Pasang Code tersebut pada Blog masing-masing Blogger. Advertiser mendaftarkan keanggotaan pada KumpulBlogger.com, melakukan kegiatan publishing, materi artikel/iklan/promotional yang disubmit oleh advertiser akan disebarkan kepada seluruh Blog yang terjaring dalam KumpulBlogger.com.
Kenapa harus KumpulBlogger.com?
Dengan KumpulBlogger.com kita bisa mewujudkan impian kita yaitu mempunyai penghasilan dari internet melalui blog, multiply, profil friendster karena KumpulBlogger suport dengan bahasa indonesia dan ada beberapa pilihan untuk kita untuk pemasangan iklan dari KumpulBlogger.com:
- memasang script text advertising . disini kita akan mendapat penghasilan sebesar Rp. 300 setiap iklan yang di klik dari web, blog, multiply dan friendster yang kita pasang iklan ini
- mini iklan banner,kita akan mendapatkan Rp. 350 setiap pengunjung blog kita melakukan klik pada mini banner yang kita pasang
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bagaimana???? heheheee berminat join???? kenapa nggak??? klo ingin join langsung aja klik disini untuk registrasi
Barcode Maker 5.50
Barcode Maker has a list where you will be able to add your products, so that you only have to fill in the product information once and then you will be able to just click on the product and the barcode will be made.
Each list can contain no less that 32,000 products, but you will be able to have more than one list as they can be saved individually and you will be able to merge one or more lists as long as the total number of products in the merged list isn’t more than 32,000
If you already have a list of products and want to load it into Barcode Maker you will be able to do so by converting it into the *.BK2 file format used by Barcode Maker. In the setup of Barcode Maker a “How to…” file is included that shows how to convert a *.XLS (MS Excel) file to a *.TXT file in the *.BK2 file format and how to load it. Almost any file type could be converted to work with Barcode Maker.
Make EAN 13, UCC 12, UCC 13, EAN 8, UPC A, UPC E, ISBN barcodes and they all support No, 2, 5 Digit supplement. Barcode Maker also supports Code 39 (Code 3 of 9), SCC-14, Code 2 of 5 Interleaved, Codabar. All barcodes can be saved as a high resolution TIFF file in up to 4800 dpi or as resolution independent Metafile in the WMF format. Fully supports the ISBN 2007 standard.

WinCHM is a very easy-to-use help authoring tool. Not needing to learn too much, you can be master of creating HTML help(CHM), Web help, PDF manual and Word documents. Using WinCHM you can not only make help files with nothing, but also convert a set of HTML files into a CHM file.
Key features:
1. Template support - Make uniform style html help file very easily.
2. Integrated full-function WYSIWYG html editor. No external word processor needed.
3. Support html files auto-searching, quickly create table of contents.
4. Super table of contents hierarchy editor.
5. Support Multi-select moving, changing icon.
6. Visual CHM designer.
